content Archives - Sellerdeck

Who we are Wednesday – #9 Josh Barling

who we are

Reading Time: 2 minutes This weeks #whoweareweds focuses on Sellerdeck’s new CEO, Josh Barling. Josh joined Sellerdeck in 2009, before the iPad even existed and found it fascinating to be involved in an industry that was going through world changing events. In 2016, Josh left Sellerdeck to gain more perspective and exposure from other businesses, joining a digital marketing […]

Why every e-commerce business needs to be blogging


Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ll be the first to say that blogging can be daunting. It’s hard to make sure that what you’re writing is relevant, factually correct and engaging at the same time, believe me! But, even if you’re not the next Shakespeare, if you’re running an e-commerce store, you need to be blogging. Blogging has so many […]

Building brand loyalty in an increasingly competitive market

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you run an e-commerce store, you’re probably aware that it’s becoming even harder to gain customer loyalty in an increasingly competitive market. So, what can you do to keep your customers coming back to your store, rather than spending with those pesky competitors? The biggest challenge facing online retailers is that consumers are always […]

Who we are Wednesday – #7 Hugh Gibson

who we are

Reading Time: < 1 minute This weeks #whoweareweds is all about Chief Technical Officer Hugh Gibson! Hugh has been involved with Sellerdeck since the very early days and after taking a break from the business, became Chief Technical Officer in 2012. Hugh loves taking the longer view on projects and obviously has a passion for coding. Let’s get to know […]

Are you ready for Christmas?

Christmas Shopping

Reading Time: 3 minutes The sight of the bustling high street, full of people decked in hats, scarves and winter coats was once the quintessentially British image of Christmas Shopping. The way we shop has changed, and the opportunities of Christmas are increasingly online. Online sales over Christmas have grown and grown over the last few years and continue […]

Sell like it’s Christmas, all year round

online christmas shopping

Reading Time: 5 minutes The good folks over at PayPal have put together a fantastic guide for helping you to sell like it’s Christmas, all year round. According to the report, more than 21% of UK retail sales occur in November and December. This isn’t surprising when you consider that the uplift in sales for Black Friday alone is […]

Buying social media followers? Think again…

Buying fake followers?

Reading Time: 4 minutes The other day, I noticed a page on Facebook for a fairly small and quite niche business that had a lot of followers, like…. A lot. For me, it rang some alarm bells, so I took a closer look. Most of their posts had very little engagement, but 1 or 2 random posts had literally […]

Can you really trust reviews?

Can you really trust reviews?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Question: What do a Mojito, an iPhone Screen Protector and an Italian Carpaccio have in common? Answer: They will all increase your feedback score on eBay. Wait…. What? Yeah. But I’ll get to that in a minute. Whether you’re booking a holiday, buying a new car, changing your fabric softener or just nipping into town […]

Who we are Wednesday – #4 Bruce Townsend

who we are

Reading Time: < 1 minute This week for #whoweareweds we’re finding out more about Sellerdeck’s Product Manager, Bruce Townsend! After joining Sellerdeck in 2000, Bruce specialised in online marketing and search engine optimisation and then moved to product management in late 2008. Before joining Sellerdeck, Bruce worked as an entomologist at the Natural History Museum, amazing! Let’s get to know […]

No time for social? The 4 benefits of outsourcing your social media


Reading Time: 3 minutes There are over 2.8 billion active social media users worldwide. That’s a lot of people. So, if you’re sitting there thinking that social media is a fad, or it’s not relevant to your business, then I’m here to say (in the kindest way possible) you’re wrong. Social media is here to stay! What I’ve often […]

How to nail your email marketing


Reading Time: 3 minutes We’ve all been signed up to a mailing list that we’ve never heard of at some point in our lives. Whether we unintentionally signed up at the checkout, those pesky tick boxes ‘do you want to not sign up to mailing list, check this box if you don’t’(what?!) Or signed up in store and completely […]

Do you need a modern and functional website to sell online?

Old Tech.

Reading Time: 4 minutes I was pondering what to write about this afternoon when here in the office we stumbled across a few quite dated ecommerce sites and it lead me to ask myself a question: Do you really need a modern looking and functioning website to sell online? Yes. Blog over. No not really, I’ll go further into […]

How to create a strong brand identity and awareness on Facebook

Reading Time: 4 minutes Want to know how many people are on Facebook? Take a guess? Well, it’s estimated that more than one billion people are active on Facebook today. That’s why it’s vital to stay connected and share your brand to an ever growing and popular network. With these numbers, I won’t lie; you will have an endless […]

Start using Twitter for your business

Twitter welcome screen

Reading Time: 3 minutes Twitter can be an incredibly powerful business tool. You can use it to encourage loyalty with your current customers, and also connect to brand new people who you would never have reached before. Which sounds marvelous in theory, but there’s no denying that it’s also a tricky medium to get your head around. Once you […]

Why humour is the language of the Internet and how to embrace it

grumpy cat

Reading Time: 4 minutes Whatever it is you’re looking for, the Internet will have you covered. Whether it’s advice on lawn mower maintenance, recipes using kale, local restaurant reviews or even video clips of a cat playing piano you’re never more than a few clicks away from your goal. Why do I mention ‘cats playing piano’ you may be […]

Our top tips on effectively using email for your future marketing

email marketing

Reading Time: 6 minutes To some people, email marketing is all bad, brought about by the irritating and irresponsible activities of “spammers”. However, dismissing email marketing can be a big mistake as it remains an enormously powerful medium. It’s just important that the law is obeyed and that common sense prevails. This section is designed to achieve great business […]

Blogspiration! A guide to content creation and writing blogs quickly and easily 

content creation

Reading Time: 3 minutes In my job role, I write blogs for other people on a weekly basis. This has led me to write about everything from water pumps, arts and crafts, adult sized school uniform and most things in between. Writing blogs about products and services that, generally, I have no prior knowledge or expertise in comes with […]